This program will cover the following topics:
1- Introduction to Fiqh المدخل الفقهي ومقدمة موجزة عن مبادئ علم الفقه وتاريخ التشريع
2- Fiqh of Purification فقه الطهارة
3- Fiqh of Prayer فقه الصلاة
The program aims to take those who have little or no prior knowledge of fiqh and offer them:
1-Gaining some knowledge about fiqh, legislation, ikhtilaf (difference in opinion), and various schools of fiqh
2-Learning some basics of the Shaf'ie school of fiqh
3-Learning the main topics and sections one may find in any book of fiqh (for any school/madhhab)
4-Understanding the main fiqhi terminology that are widely used in the jurists' works
5-Understanding how to practice purification and prayer according to shari'ah
6-Being familiar with the difference in opinion in some of the masa'il (fiqhi issues)
7-Learning about some of masa'il al-Nawazil (new and contemporary issues in the chapters of purification and prayer)
The teaching style will include the following:
1- Lecture with PowerPoint slides, with the information mainly presented in mind maps and/or by simple points that are easy to memorize/remember.
2- Interactive discussions, Q&A every session, and Kahoot quizzes.
3- A fiqhi Training تدريب فقهي by analyzing some fiqhi issues.
Additional features of this training program:
1- Dr. Amro will start the first session with the hadith of المسلسل بالأولية and I will share a sanad (a chain of narrators until the prophet -pbuh) with all attendees
2- Dr. Amro will also say and share the sanad of the hadith of المسلسل بالسادة الشافعية in one of the middle sessions
3- Dr. Amro may also recite insha'Allah one of the short shafi'e mutun (Classical texts of the madhhab) with those who successfully pass the exam, and share with them its sanad (a chain of narrators to the author of the book).
Lastly, the successful students will be able to enrol and register in the next fiqh program.
Certificates signed by Dr. Amro Shafiek, SMIC organization, and Ayaat ILM Foundation, will be provided
Fiqh Summer Program
In partnership, SMIC and Ayaat ILM Academy are hosting the Fiqh Summer Camp.
Dr. Amro Shafiek (Academic Researcher in Fiqh & Islamic Public Policy) will be teaching this condensed fiqh course according to the Shafi'e Madhhab, online (Zoom).
Timings: August 7, 2021 - August 28, 2021
Every Sunday & Saturday @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Costs: $20 / participant + $10 / siblings
Participants: Males & Females, ages 16+
Registration: Fill out the registration form
Pay the fees by E-transfer to this email: AyaatFoundation@gmail.com
"Free Food Table" Project Session

Nutrition Contest
Dr. Hiba Al-Masri (MSc, RD) Registered Nutrition, agreed to share with us her experience.
We will choose / select 5 participants to win and get treated by our registered dietitian for FREE!
(3 paid visits, 1 hour each in 3 months period)
**The priority will be to people who have serious medical conditions like diabetes, high or low blood pressure, liver disease, etc.
This opportunity is worth total of $335, which includes making individual personalized consultations worth $125 for initial assessment + $125 for a personalized diet plan + $85 for each subsequent follow-up + packages which include educational sessions in addition to the previous services and nutrition-awareness sessions that are very beneficial.
Register now and take your chance!
Registration closes on Monday, March 7, 2021.
Our goal is to support the community in which we provide 5 people a nutrition treated effectively. This will help them to gain great knowledge to maintain a healthy diet. Know how to live a healthy life. Manage their own live in a sufficient routine.
Your goal is the live a happy life without suffering of any diseases or pain. We will do our best to help you manage your diseases/problems by setting a goal and a path that will eventually reach your goal.
Our benefit from this contest is to help you overcome your sufferings so that we get God’s blessing and hoping that you would use the information obtained to help other people as you can.

تُعدّ الأسرة نواة المجتمع ومصدراً أساسيّاً للاستقرار وللسَّعادة لافرادها والطمأنينة ايضا، لكن لا تكاد تخلو أسرةٌ من وجود الخلافات أو المشاكل بين الحين والآخر، فالاختلاف في الآراء من سنن الحياة
و الاختلاف يؤدى احيانا الى كثرة الشجار والاضطراب بين افراد الاسره الواحده، ويفقد الأبناء هيبة الأسرة واحترامها والانتماء لها،
وايضا المشكلات التى تواجه المراهقين ولا يستطيع الاباء خلق تواصل جيد بينهم وبين ابنائهم لمساعدتهم على تجاوز هذه المشكلات لقله درايتهم احيانا،
ولهذا وجدنا انه من واجبنا اتجاه مجتمعنا ان نساعد فى اعاده ترميم الاسره
من خلال اختصاصيين لشئون الاسره،
لاعاده رسم الابتسامه على وجوهكم ولمزيد من الاستقرار وان يسود جو من التفاهم والانسجام
فلقد تكفلنا برسوم الاختصاصين وما عليك الا ان تسأل وتستشير وسيبذل المختص جهده لمساعدتك فى الوصول للسعاده والاستقرار فى سرية تامة
لا تتردد فى التواصل معنا
وسنكون فى خدمتكم
Our goal for you is to live a happy life without suffering of any diseases or pain. We will do our best to help you manage your diseases/problems by setting a goal and a path that will eventually reach your goal.
Our benefit from this contest is to help you overcome your sufferings so that we get God’s blessing and hoping that you would use the information obtained to help other people as you can.